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Bhubaneswar Law College At A Glance

Bhubaneswar Law College is founded with a vision to become the harbinger of change and development in the legal education sector. College has sought to bring innovation in legal education-initiating as the only law college to offer courses LL.B & LL.M under the same roof, providing opportunities for educational excellence. College seeks to go further in this vision and bring forth a developmental model of legal education based on the globalized version of demands sought by ever dynamic legal fraternity.
We have made sure to include courses in our curriculum that would help students to understand the law better and we have made sure to provide them courses that are well versed with all the knowledgeable insights that students will need in their all-round development. Attempt is to maintain a very high standard of law education and very proud to offer courses that help our students to secure top University ranks. Evolving with change is essential and innate to survival. This newly development facility in midst of Bhubaneswar is fit for students seeking to develop themselves as commercial legal eagles, the teaching structure is based on a reverse engineering technique of understanding the view point of the best minds of the legal fraternity to understand the skills and training required in a perfectly modeled legal professional. College is developed with a sincere vision towards the superpower that India seeks to be and to ensure that the legal professional being developed can bring their best stance in the process becoming a truly developed nation & legal fraternity.

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3 years (6 Semesters)

/Total Seats :- 96

Bachelor of Law (LL.B)

The applicant must have a Bachelor’s degree of minimum 3 years duration or its equivalent. (10+2+3) from recognized university with minimum 45% aggregate marks.A candidate who has appeared in last year degree examination may also apply in anticipation of the results, provided he/she has to clear the last year examination at the time of admission

2 years (4 Semesters)

/ Total Seats:-64

Master of Law (LL.M)

The applicant must have a LL.B. degree of minimum 3 years duration from recognized university with minimum 50% aggregate marks.This criterion applies to all categories. A candidate who has appeared in last year examination may also apply in anticipation of the results, provided he/she has to clear the last year examination at the time of admission

The applicant must have a Bachelor’s degree of minimum 3 years duration or its equivalent. (10+2+3) from recognized university with minimum 45% aggregate marks.A candidate who has appeared in last year degree examination may also apply in anticipation of the results, provided he/she has to clear the last year examination at the time of admission










Hostel Facilities

The college offers separate hostels for boys and girls within the campus with well-furnished individual/shared rooms.The hostels provide mess facility with healthy and wholesome food

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Library Facilities:

Wide range of Law Books and Journals are available in the library. Bhubaneswar Law College boasts of large collection of books on various subjects

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Moot Court Hall

All class rooms and halls are equipped with state of art facilities such as latest audio gadgets, projectors, smart-boards, lighting arrangement etc. needed for lectures,seminars, training programmes and workshops.

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The college has the privilege of having highly mature, motivated and UGC NET/Ph.D. qualified faculty on its roll as well as eminent personalities to deliver special lectures on special subject.

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Computer Lab

The college has a computer lab with internet facilities to enable students to enrich their knowledge with modern technology and access to online legal databases for legal research.

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The Bhubaneswar Law College encourages and sends the students for internships to various law institutions, different Courts, Law Firms, Senior Advocates, Corporate Bodies, PSUs, National and State Human Rights Commissions, National, State and District Consumer Forums,renowned NGOs etc.

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The Prospects

Career prospects for the job seekers are diversifying and it is imperative to keep pace with the changing career platforms. Need of the hour is the educators provide such platforms of diversification to the students for increasing the absorbency prospects in the career market.
India is on the threshold of a Development Revolution. Higher education including legal education will determine the quality and direction of the Development process. With millions of talented youth with higher education entering the job market, nothing can stop the Nation from achieving its development goals sooner than later. As a country committed to rule of law, democracy and human rights, it is the function of legal institutions to organize development in such a manner that the Constitution prescribes. In this process, legal personnel have a significant role to play outside the conventional role of dispute settlement.
Study of law prepares one not only to become a legal practitioner, it enables one to take a variety of career options including judiciary, journalism, civil service, politics, teaching and social work. In all these careers, what makes law study relevant is its relation to ‘JUSTICE’, the eternal quest of every human being. You are welcome to study law and be a justice worker for maximizing justice and fairness in society